Jun 16, 2011

Delaware extends a warm welcome to our friends in the bio community by creating and sharing a list of active Tweeters

Delaware is excited to be returning to BIO and engaging both face-to-face AND through social media this year.

We're seeing some great conversations taking place in the Twitter Stream for Bio 2011 - with a wide variety of businesses, organizations, and individuals engaged in the conversation.

We've taken the liberty of putting together a list of twitter handles to follow for this show - if you would like to be included in the list, simply leave a comment below with your twitter handle and we'll add you to the list.

Don't forget to use #Bio2011 when tweeting.

OK, here's who you should follow (in no particular order):



  1. @IBT_Bioservices will also be at #bio2011 at booth 3504, the Maryland pavilion. We're an early stage R&D CRO with expertise in infectious diseases. Follow us for more info!

  2. @VGXI would love to be added to the list, thank you!

  3. @Biospace365 will be tweeting from #bio2011. Stop by booth #3048 and participate in BIO SCVNGR. See you in DC!

  4. @BioSpace365. We're looking forward to seeing everyone at #bio2011. The career fair is going to be huge! Stop by to say hello at booth #3038.

  5. @WilmingtonTrust @AdesisInc @EmbassySuitesDE and @NikL1212 will be there too!

  6. @ncbiotech will be there too!

  7. We Work For Health of Delaware will also be in-attendance this evening!

